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SIAE Awards 2009
Marjan Čenar from Murska Sobota

The Role Models Attract Campaign

Since 2007, the ‘Role Models Attract' (RMA) campaign is the follow-up of SIAE awards which have been presented by our Institute to outstanding individuals, groups and institutions since 1997. Up to 2013, 193 award winners' stories have been collected; the majority of them are available in the form of video-portraits (in Slovenian language and with English subtitles). The latter have been filtered according to target groups and topics, similar ones have been combined and upgraded, thus creating constituents of a new promotion and mobilisation campaign.

The resulting DVD collections are available free of charge at SIAE:

RMA 1-3With lifelong learning to equal opportunities for all
(in Slovenian) More >>
RMA 4:Towards your goals I, Early career (in Slovenian)
RMA 5:Towards your goals II, Middle career (in Slovenian)
RMA 6: Towards your goals III, Mature career (in Slovenian) More on DVDs 4 - 6 >>
RMA 7&7a:Richness in Diversity (English subtitles) More >>

Learning - Doorway to the World of New Opportunities (English subtitles) More >>

RMA 9Third Age Lucky - Learning and Creativity in the Third Age (English subtitles) More >>

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Learning parade
•  EAAL project: LP 2013-2015

SIAE Award Winners
•  On SIAE Awards
•  Award winners 2018
•  Award winners 1997-2017
•  Role models attract


(C) 1996-2024 Andragoški center Slovenije, datum zadnje spremembe: 10.06.2019, 13:35, zadetki: 436585
Računalniška izvedba: Franci Lajovic, grafična zasnova: David Fartek
urednica: mag. Zvonka Pangerc Pahernik