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SIAE Awards 2003
Viktorija Bevc MA from Ljubljana

SIAE awards for learning and knowledge promotion 2000

Awards to individuals for outstanding achievements in lifelong learning 

Alma Plivac from Jesenice


Confidence performs miracles

In April of this year, Alma Plivac passed her final examinations at the High School of Economics as the best student in her class. She became an economic and commercial technician, a profession for which she was educated under the adult education programme at the Jesenice Folk High School. This would perhaps not evoke as much admiration as it does if we did not know this was a girl whose serious illness caused her to give up her regular school education in the prime of her teen years, in her second year of her studies in shoemaking. She therefore had to give up the care-free socialising with her friends and the enjoyment of all the other small things that constitute youth.

"Alma is a great example of someone who shows us how a strong will and powerful motivation can lead to success," writes Maja Radinovič Hajdič from Jesenice Folk High School. "Her positive experience and selfless help inspired her friends to enrol in our school. Throughout their studies, she stood by their side, lending them notes, studying with them and encouraging them." Alma was drawing from her own experience. The faith placed in her by her family, by the psychologist at the Employment Service, and finally from the school were of great help to her, too. Their confidence in her helped to heal the wounds caused by the belittling attitudes she was faced with at first from doctors who would not believe she was in pain until the disease manifested its full severity, later from the Employment Service - and at times even from her friends and teachers. Throughout her studies, she struggled with the disease. For several years, there were operations and recoveries in health spas, but her drive for success was only strengthened. She even studied in her sickbed, often having to resort to painkillers. She could barely walk and had to be taken to exams by ambulance. Despite all this, she managed to pass all her exams within the normal time! The stronger her pain, the stronger her will to succeed. She even wanted more knowledge than her curriculum provided, so she enrolled in a library and borrowed books to read on further than was covered by her study material. Her notes and summaries were so good they were in constant demand among her schoolmates.

The same as her achievements, it is also Alma's character that deserves recognition. She never gave up in the hard times but developed and strengthened her perseverance, responsibility, selflessness and solidarity - qualities to be held up as an example to everyone.

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