SIAE awards for learning and knowledge promotion 2017
Awards to groups for outstanding achievements in lifelong learning
Working group »Planinstvo za invalide/Osebe s posebnimi potrebami« from Ljubljana
Interdisciplinary team of experts gives people with disabilities the opportunity to enjoy nature, be active and socialise.
The interdisciplinary team of experts (Jurček Nowakk, Barbara Bajcer, Maja Bobnar, Jana Čander, Marjeta Čič, Tjaša Filipčič, Franc Gričar, Irena Lamovec, Igor Oprešnik, Tanja Princes, Lidija Slatner, Magdalena Strmšek Buh, Boro Štumbelj) creates a supporting environment for people with disabilities and special needs, enabling them to experience the mountains, enjoy nature, be active and socialise. They developed tools for activation of people with disabilities and special needs (“inPlaninec Diary”) and for training of professional associates (“inPlaninec” Guide).
WORK GROUP “HIKING FOR PEOPLE WITH DISABILITIES AND SPECIAL NEEDS” received the ACS 2017 AWARD for forming interpersonal connections and proving we must first destroy the barriers in our minds to achieve inclusion.
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Slovenije, datum zadnje spremembe:
10.06.2019, 13:35,
zadetki: 429895
Računalniška izvedba: Franci Lajovic, grafična zasnova: David Fartek
urednica: mag. Zvonka Pangerc Pahernik