The Ministry of Labour, Family, Social Affairs and Equal opportunities which according to the annual LLW Action Plan of the Slovenian Institute for Adult Education provides funds for direct and staff costs of the LLW national coordination as well as the organisation of LLW events at the national level;
The Ministry of Education, Science and Sport which publishes an annual call for tenders regarding the regional/thematic coordination of LLW as well as the organisation of LLW events at the local level;
In addition to public funds, LLW providers and coordinators to a large extent invest their own money and energy; they also strive for the support of sponsors, donors and engage other sources.
(C) 1996-2024 Andragoški center
Slovenije, datum zadnje spremembe:
10.06.2019, 13:35,
zadetki: 429099
Računalniška izvedba: Franci Lajovic, grafična zasnova: David Fartek
urednica: mag. Zvonka Pangerc Pahernik