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SIAE Awards 2004
Beseda slovenske Istre study circle of Marezige

SIAE awards for learning and knowledge promotion 2014

Awards to individuals for outstanding achievements in lifelong learning 

Zdravko Kuhta from Maribor

»Even Einstein needed time to get his times tables down. Right? People have to learn everything. That’s how we are. That’s just how nature made us.”

Born in Piran, Zdravko today lives in Maribor. Any conversation with him is bound to include a reference to a book you haven't read. He is an autodidact, a lover of books and nature. Above all, though, he loves people. He faces the challenges and trials of life with an innovative spirit, perseverance and humour, qualities that are reflected in his work in the fields of music, art, photography and creative writing. His literary writings are the document of a time, full of historical facts and information about the local culture and history of Piran and its "little people".

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Learning parade
•  EAAL project: LP 2013-2015

SIAE Award Winners
•  On SIAE Awards
•  Award winners 2018
•  Award winners 1997-2017
•  Role models attract


(C) 1996-2024 Andragoški center Slovenije, datum zadnje spremembe: 10.06.2019, 13:35, zadetki: 431649
Računalniška izvedba: Franci Lajovic, grafična zasnova: David Fartek
urednica: mag. Zvonka Pangerc Pahernik