The Gorenjska statistical region of high mountains, including the symbol of Slovenia, Triglav, is almost entirely Alpine. A large part of this statistical region is protected as a national park. The relief and climate are good bases for tourism. Although agriculture in this region is not among the most important activities, agricultural holdings are among the largest in the country both in terms of average utilised agricultural area and in terms of the number of livestock units.
The urban municipality Kranj is one of the largest Slovenian municipalities in terms of population. Settlement Kranj is located at the confluence of Kokra and Sava rivers and it is the centre of the municipality and administrative, business and cultural centre of the Gorenjska region. Municipality Kranj measures 151 km2; this ranks it 39th among Slovene municipalities. The number of people in the municipality ranks Kranj 3rd among Slovene municipalities. The number of live births was in 2012 higher than the number of deaths, which means that natural increase per 1,000 population in the municipality was positive It was 3,7. The number of people who moved from the municipality was higher than the number of people who moved into the municipality. As in most Slovene municipalities, in Kranj the number of old people was higher than the number of young people. |
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Kazalniki | Slovenija | Gorenjska | Občina Kranj |
Površina, km2 | 20.273 | 2.137 | 151 |
Število prebivalcev (2014) | 2.061.085 | 203.894 | 55.764 |
Število moških (2014) | 1.020.874 | 100.895 | 27.592 |
Število ženski (2014) | 1.040.211 | 102.999 | 28.172 |
Povprečna starost (v letih) | 42 | 41,7 | 41,6 |
Število prebivalcev, starih 0-14 let | 301.053 | 31.914 | 8.707 |
Število prebivalcev, starih 15-64 let | 1.399.926 | 135.930 | 37.455 |
Število prebivalcev, starih 65 let ali več | 360.106 | 36.050 | 9.602 |
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Izobraževanje: | | | |
Kazalniki | Slovenija | Gorenjska | Občina Kranj |
Število vrtcev z enotami (2012/2013) | 960 | 88 | 29 |
Število otrok, vključenih v vrtec (v starosti 1-5 let) (2012/2013) | 83.700 | 8.244 | 2.352 |
Število OŠ (šol. leto 2013/2014) | 839 | 78 | 18 |
Število učencev v OŠ (začetek šol. leta 2013/2014) | 165.036 | 17.644 | 4.715 |
Število dijakov (začetek šol. leta 2013/2014) | 76.714 | 8.048 | 2.075 |
Število študentov terciarnega izobraževanja (2013) | 90.622 | 8.913 | 2.346 |
Število diplomantov terciarnega izobraževanja (2013) | 18.774 | 1.821 | 515 |
Število odraslih z brez izobrazbe, nepopolna OŠ (2014) | 65.876 | 6.354 | 1.389 |
Število odraslih s končano OŠ (2014) | 404.228 | 37.459 | 10.151 |
Število odraslih z nižjo poklicno, srednjo poklicno izobrazbo (2014) | 397.105 | 38.949 | 9.804 |
Število odraslih s srednjo strokovno, srednjo splošno izobrazbo (2014) | 531.186 | 53.350 | 14.681 |
Število oseb z visokošolsko izobrazbo (2014) | 361.637 | 35.868 | 10.946 |
Nadaljevalno izobraževanja - število izvajalcev (2011/2012) | 401 | 33 | 13 |
Nadaljevalno izobraževanja - število udeležencev (2011/2012) | 342.689 | 13.029 | 4.872 |
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Trg dela: | | | |
Kazalniki | Slovenija | Gorenjska
| Občina Kranj |
Število delovno aktivnih preb. (2013) | 791.323 | 80.128 | 22.208 |
Število registriranih brezposelnih oseb (2014) | 119.458 | 8.472 | 2.663 |
Stopnja registrirane brezposelnosti v % (dec. 2014) | 13,0 | 9,4 | 10,5 |
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Vir: SURS in ZRSZ | | | |