Slovenska različica English version Lifelong Learning Week
LP Kranj
Video production
Learners' voice
Photos and video
Kranj, Identity card
The Gorenjska statistical region of high mountains, including the symbol of Slovenia, Triglav, is almost entirely Alpine. A large part of this statistical region is protected as a national park. The relief and climate are good bases for tourism. Although agriculture in this region is not among the most important activities, agricultural holdings are among the largest in the country both in terms of average utilised agricultural area and in terms of the number of livestock units.
The urban municipality Kranj is one of the largest Slovenian municipalities in terms of population. Settlement Kranj is located at the confluence of Kokra and Sava rivers and it is the centre of the municipality and administrative, business and cultural centre of the Gorenjska region. Municipality Kranj measures 151 km2; this ranks it 39th among Slovene municipalities. The number of people in the municipality ranks Kranj 3rd among Slovene municipalities. The number of live births was in 2012 higher than the number of deaths, which means that natural increase per 1,000 population in the municipality was positive It was 3,7. The number of people who moved from the municipality was higher than the number of people who moved into the municipality. As in most Slovene municipalities, in Kranj the number of old people was higher than the number of young people.
Kazalniki Slovenija Gorenjska  Občina Kranj
Površina, km2 20.273 2.137 151
Število prebivalcev (2014)                2.061.085 203.894 55.764
Število moških (2014) 1.020.874 100.895 27.592
Število ženski (2014) 1.040.211 102.999 28.172
Povprečna starost (v letih)  42 41,7 41,6
Število prebivalcev, starih 0-14 let 301.053 31.914 8.707
Število prebivalcev, starih 15-64 let  1.399.926 135.930 37.455
Število prebivalcev, starih 65 let ali več 360.106 36.050 9.602
Kazalniki Slovenija Gorenjska Občina Kranj
Število vrtcev z enotami (2012/2013) 960 88 29
Število otrok, vključenih v vrtec (v starosti 1-5 let) (2012/2013) 83.700 8.244 2.352
Število OŠ (šol. leto 2013/2014) 839 78 18
Število učencev v OŠ (začetek šol. leta 2013/2014) 165.036 17.644 4.715
Število dijakov (začetek šol. leta 2013/2014) 76.714 8.048 2.075
Število študentov terciarnega izobraževanja (2013) 90.622 8.913 2.346
Število diplomantov terciarnega izobraževanja (2013) 18.774 1.821 515
Število odraslih z brez izobrazbe, nepopolna OŠ (2014) 65.876 6.354 1.389
Število odraslih s končano OŠ (2014) 404.228 37.459 10.151
Število odraslih z nižjo poklicno, srednjo poklicno izobrazbo (2014) 397.105 38.949 9.804
Število odraslih s srednjo strokovno, srednjo splošno izobrazbo (2014) 531.186 53.350 14.681
Število oseb z visokošolsko izobrazbo (2014) 361.637 35.868 10.946
Nadaljevalno izobraževanja - število izvajalcev (2011/2012) 401 33 13
Nadaljevalno izobraževanja - število udeležencev (2011/2012) 342.689 13.029 4.872
Trg dela:       
Kazalniki Slovenija Gorenjska
Občina Kranj
Število delovno aktivnih preb. (2013) 791.323 80.128 22.208
Število registriranih brezposelnih oseb (2014)  119.458 8.472 2.663
Stopnja registrirane brezposelnosti  v % (dec. 2014) 13,0 9,4 10,5
Vir: SURS in ZRSZ      

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(C) 2012-2025 Slovenian Institute for Adult Education, last update: 10.06.2019, 13:35
Technical implementation: Franci Lajovic, Design: David Fartek
Contents: mag. Zvonka Pangerc Pahernik