Slovenska različica English version Lifelong Learning Week
Video production
Learners' voice
Photos and video
Slovenska Bistrica Learning Parade 2014
Coordinating institution: Slovenska Bistrica Adult Education Centre, regional LLW coordinator
Address: Partizanska ulica 22, 2310 Slovenska Bistrica
T: (0)2 843 07 30


Directress: Brigita Kruder MA
Coordinators: Brigita Kruder MA, and Darja Kušar
Honorary patron: Dr Ivan Žagar, mayor of Slovenska Bistrica

Date: Friday, 9 May 2014, between 10.00 and 17.00
Venue: Trg svobode square, Slovenska Bistrica  

Slogan: Knowledge improves life
Highlights (see programme in Slovenian):

  • 8 May at 9.00 in the Slovenska Bistrica Adult Education Centre: round table and press conference 'Educational challenges in the local environment' (participants: Dr Ivan Žagar,  mayor, Andrej Sotošek MSc, director of SIAE, Brigita Kruder MA, directress of Slovenska Bistrica AEC, guests, learners - award winners, media representatives
  • 9 May between 10.00 and 17.00 at Trg svobode square: learning fair/festival - 28 institutions, associations, public institutes, and others will present their activities on stands; there will be dancing, appearances on stage, workshops, celebrations etc.
  • Accompanying events (via social media, local radio stations etc.):
    • 'Bistrica people talk about knowledge and learning'
    • 'Lost - found' - radio prize game
    • 'The old house speaks' - collection of photos, memories, experiences related to the Slovenska Bistrica school, built in 1887 (now premises of the AEC)
    • Ongoing LP media promotion.

Indicators: 28 partners, 74 informers at stands, 148 volunteers; around 1,800 participants


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 In cooperation with:  


Policy makers, professionals and the widest public were informed about project activities and outcomes: dissemination .

Access to current information in the field of e-learning: e-corner.


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With the support of the Erasmus+ Programme:

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein."

and the support of:


(C) 2012-2025 Slovenian Institute for Adult Education, last update: 10.06.2019, 13:35
Technical implementation: Franci Lajovic, Design: David Fartek
Contents: mag. Zvonka Pangerc Pahernik