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EAAL events 2016

The aim of the professional EAAL events, i.e. the so called Promoting Adult Skills - Second round (PASS) is to show existing endeavours at the local level with regard to promoting adult skills and other competences, present achievements and define opportunities and challenges in this field. Through these activities we have identified examples of good practice and at the local and national level, disseminated information on these opportunities. We have gathered opinions of various stakeholders on the further development and implementation of successful practice regarding adult basic skills and other key competences. In the current EAAL project, events are grouped into PASS events (2016 1nd 2017), 'Key comptenecs for improved employability' (2016) and  'Key comptenecs for active involvement in learning communities' events (2017).

The 2016 closing EAAL event was linked to the annual EBSN conference; more >>  

1. Promoting Adult Skills - Second round (PASS) events (2016):

venue and date

Title/target group/programme
Slovenska Bistrica AEC
Slovenska Bistrica, 
20 May 2016

'With the young for the young - on participation, employment and policies'
('Z mladimi za mlade o participaciji, zaposlovanju in politikah')
Target group: young adults
Programme >> (SI)

EPALE blog   

RIC Novo mesto AEC
Novo mesto,
25 May 2016
'Together for coexistence'
('Skupaj za sožitje')
Target group: Roma and migrants
Programme >> (SI)

EPALE blog

KTRC Radeče
26 May 2016
'Let's renew Slovenian forests on Magolnik'
('Obnovimo slovenske gozdove po vetrolomu na Magolniku')
Target group: rural population
Programme >>  (SI)
Power Point
EPALE blog  

Murska Sobota AEC
Murska Sobota,
30 May 2016


'How can employers and educators jointly improve the business environment in the region?'
('Ali in kako lahko zaposlovalci in izobraževalci skupaj vplivamo na izboljšanje poslovnega okolja v regiji?')
Target group: unemployed adults
Programme >> (SI)
Power Point
EPALE blog 

AEC - Adult Education Centre 
(SI) - in Slovenian langauge; (EN) - in English language 

2. 'Key competences for improved employability' events (2016):

venue and date

Title/target group/programme

Celje School Centre
11 May 2016
'The role of non-formal education in solving the problem of the longterm unemployed '
Vloga neformalnega izobraževanja pri reševanju problema dolgotrajno brezposelnih oseb')

Target group: longterm unemployed
Programme >> (SI)

EPALE blog

Kranj AEC
24 May 2016
'Knowledge and competences hand in hand for better employability of the young'
('Znanja in kompetence z roko v roki za boljšo zaposljivost mladih')
Target group: young unemployed
Programme >> (SI)
EPALE blog
31 May 2016
'Development of key competences and skills of employees'  
('Ključne kompetence zaposlenih')
Target group: employed adults
Programme >> (SI)

EPALE blog

AEC - Adult Education Centre 
(SI) - in Slovenian langauge; (EN) - in English language 

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 In cooperation with:  


Policy makers, professionals and the widest public were informed about project activities and outcomes: dissemination .

Access to current information in the field of e-learning: e-corner.


Pridružite se nam na FB strani projekta TVU in tako bodi obveščeni in osveščeni. :-)



With the support of the Erasmus+ Programme:

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein."

and the support of:


(C) 2012-2025 Slovenian Institute for Adult Education, last update: 10.06.2019, 13:35
Technical implementation: Franci Lajovic, Design: David Fartek
Contents: mag. Zvonka Pangerc Pahernik