Slovenska različica English version Lifelong Learning Week
Video production
Learners' voice
Photos and video
Slovenj Gradec Learning Parade 2013

 Coordinating institution: Public institute MOCIS, Adult Education Centre Slovenj Gradec, regional LLW coordinator
Address: Partizanska pot 16, 2380 Slovenj Gradec
T: (0)2 884 6400

Directress: Sonja Lakovšek Kos
Coordinator: Bernarda Mori

Date and venue: Tuesday, 14 May 2013, Slovenj Gradec
Between 13 and 17 May, the local version of the Learning Parade took place in 12 Koroška municipalities.

Slogan: Learning parade - days of learning communities in the Koroška region

Programme of the Slovenj Gradec LP >>

More than 30 educational, promotional, information and guidance as well as social events for all generations were constituents of the LP in Slovenj Gradec and the 12 surrounding municipalities. Their main message was: it is never too late to learn since learning is an activity which accompanies us throughout our lives, enriches us and helps us to coexist creatively for the benefit of all.

Highlights (see also calendar of events):

  • Official opening by Dr Jernej Pikalo, minister for education, Andrej Čas, mayor, Andrej Sotošek, MA, SIAE director, and Sonja Lakovšek Kos, MOCIS directress);
  • Conference The culture of cohabitation - challenges and opportunities (participants: Dr Miro Cerar, Dr Manca Košir, Matija Svete, Mojca Čerče, Tina Orter, Brigita Kropušek Ranzinger;
  • Public appearances at the central stage (from 11 until 17);
  • Learning festival: 24 information stands, workshops, taster sessions... provided by 18 partners (institutions, associations, study circles etc.).

Indicators: 18 partners, around 250 participants

Photo-snapshots >>

See also Slovenj Gradec Learning Parade 2014 >>

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 In cooperation with:  


Policy makers, professionals and the widest public were informed about project activities and outcomes: dissemination .

Access to current information in the field of e-learning: e-corner.


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With the support of the Erasmus+ Programme:

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein."

and the support of:


(C) 2012-2025 Slovenian Institute for Adult Education, last update: 10.06.2019, 13:35
Technical implementation: Franci Lajovic, Design: David Fartek
Contents: mag. Zvonka Pangerc Pahernik