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Adult education in the Savinjska region (Žalec)
Challenges: - Adult education and training for coping with modern society demands, changes, business opportunities, but also crises.
- Ageing population and resulting need for intergenerational collaboration and transfer of knowledge and skills from generation to generation.
- Educational programmes for improving employment opportunities of young adults.
- Economic crisis and searching for business opportunities (also cross-border).
- Information and guidance as well as validation and accreditation of non-formally acquired knowledge and skills.
- Inclusion of marginal target groups into non-formal education and learning.
- Training for use of modern ICT.
- Cooperation and networking - at local, national and international level.
- Designing programmes that respond to needs of various target groups, modern society and economy, and creating high-quality learning spaces (at the same time taking into account the voice of learners, e.g. within the Žalec LP collected and published in the booklet Naj se sliši moj glas/Let my voice be heard (in Slovenian).
Opportunities: Lifelong Learning Centre Savinjska (LLC Savinjska) has been acting since 2005 under the leadership of the Žalec Adult education centre, a public, non-profit institution for education and training of adults and youth in the lower Savinjska region. They provide formal educational programmes for adults at all levels, general (non-formal and informal) education programmes, free guidance and counselling services and project activities. They also analyse local educational demand and network with various institutions and firms as regards the planning and development of human resources in the region. Via the LLC numerous free activities leading to a higher educational level, personal growth and/or community development are being offered. The network of partners provides educational and guidance services as to enhance the region's pool of knowledge, skills and competences.
Web portal of the LLC Savinjska >> Headed by: Žalec Adult education centre Partners: Celje Adult education centre, Rogaška Slatina Adult education centre, Medobčinska splošna knjižnica Žalec, RACIO - Družba za razvoj človeškega kapitala, Razvojna agencija Savinja, Razvojna agencija Sotla, Šolski center Slovenjske Konjice - Zreče
Information and guidance (ISIO): Guidance centre Žalec, Ulica Ivanke Uranjek 6, 3310 Žalec Dislocations: Ljudska univerza Celje, Zavod za prestajanje mladoletniškega zapora in kazni zapora Celje, Šolski center Slovenske Konjice - Zreče, Ljudska univerza Rogaška Slatina, Ljudska univerza Rogaška Slatina Šmarje pri Jelšah, ŠC Slovenske Konjice - Zreče, Izobraževanje odraslih - enota Laško Lifelong learning points (TVŽU): Kozje, Rogaška Slatina, Šmarje pri Jelšah, Šentjur, Medobčinska splošna kjižnica Žalec, Občinska knjižnica Polzela, Občinska knjižnica Braslovče, Krajevna knjižnica Liboje, Razvojna agencija Savinja Žalec, Zreče, Slovenske Konjice, Laško, Vojnik, Dobrna, Zapori Celje, Ljudska univerza Celje, Ljudska univerza Žalec, Občinska knjižnica Vransko Some results (1.1.2008-31.8.2012): No of participants in LL points: 2,204 No of clients in guidance centres: 9,603 |
Source: Odpiramo poti do znanja : Zbornik centrov vseživljenjskega učenja Slovenije (2012) << Back
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| Coordinator: With the support of the Erasmus+ Programme: This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein." and the support of:
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