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Podravska region, Slovenska Bistrica Municipality ID
In terms of natural geography, the Podravska statistical region is marked by hills in the northeast, subalpine wooded mountains (Pohorje and Kozjak) to the west and Dravsko-Ptujsko polje along the Drava River. The water wealth of this region is used for electricity production (the chain of hydroelectric power plants on the Drava River), while the fertile soil is used for agricultural production.
The Slovenska Bistrica municipality is one of the largest Slovene municipalities by the population. In economy, manufacturing prevails. Otherwise numerous cultural and natural sights are important (e.g. Marolt fir tree). General data:
Indicators | Slovenia | Podravska region | Slovenska Bistrica Municipality | Area, km2 | 20,273 | 2,170 | 260.1 | Population (2013) | 2,059,114 | 322,748 | 25,169 | Number of men (2013) | 1,019,658 | 159,897 | 12,482 | Number of women (2013) | 1,039,456 | 162,851 | 12,687 | Mean age (yrs) | 42.2 | 43.0 | 41.1 | Population aged 0-14 yrs (%) | 14.5 | 13.2 | 15.3 | Population aged 15-64 yrs (%) | 68.2 | 68.7 | 69.5 | Population aged 65 yrs or more (%) | 17.3 | 18.1 | 15.1 |
Education: Indicators | Slovenia | Podravska region | Slovenska Bistrica Municipality | Number of kindergartens with class units (2012/2013) | 938 | 134 | 14 | Number and share of children in kindergartens (aged 1-5 yrs) (2012/2013) | 82,888 (75.4 %) | 11.,56 (75.1 %) | 1,098 (79.5 %) | Number of elementary schools (2012/2013) | 842 | 116 | 12 | Number of pupils in elementary schools (2012/2013) | 162,775 | 23,726 | 2,093 | Number of pupils in upper sec. schools (2012/2013) | 78,208 | 11,800 | 1,016 | Number of tertiary students (2012) | 97,706 | 13,845 | 1,190 | Number of tertiary graduates (2012) | 20,596 | 3,209 | 281 | Educational structure of population aged 15 or more (2013): | 1,760,726 | 280,642 | 21,331 | - no education, incomplete basic education | 68,926 | 10,409 | 599 | - basic education | 411,975 | 63,788 | 4,900 | - short-term vocational, vocational upper secondary education | 399,732 | 67,685 | 5,308 | - technical, general upper secondary education | 538,181 | 89,457 | 6,661 | - tertiary education | 341,912 | 49,303 | 3,863 | Continuing education - number of institutions (2011/2012) | 358 | 51 | 4 | Continuing education - number of participants (2011/2012) | 302,340 | 42,632 | 3,249 |
Labour market: Indicators (Dec 2013) | Slovenia | Podravska region | Slovenska Bistrica Municipality | Number of persons in employment | 791,323 | 117,818 | 9,719 | Number of registered unemployed persons | 124,015 | 20,734 | 1,640 | Registered unemployment rate (%) | 13.5 | 15.0 | 8.7 |
Prepared by: Erika Brenk, SIAE Source: SORS and National Employment Office << Back
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